Thursday, October 10, 2024

Jumpstart Your 2024 With A Job Search


Jumpstart Your 2024 With A Job Search


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If you’re tuned in to TikTok trends, you’ve likely encountered numerous contents discussing the “best time to job search” or urging you to “start looking for a new job now,” swiftly making their way onto your timeline.

Indeed, the leading global job site affirms this narrative by noting that companies tend to ramp up their hiring efforts significantly in January and February. This surge is primarily attributed to the implementation of new hiring budgets as the new year commences.

As the new year unfolds, there is a pervasive sense of promise and fresh starts that permeates the collective consciousness. This psychological and emotional backdrop creates an ideal environment for individuals to proactively explore new professional opportunities. Aligning with the common tradition of making New Year’s resolutions, many individuals set intentions to enhance their lives, encompassing aspirations such as weight loss, smoking cessation, hitting the gym, and, notably, securing a more rewarding job.

Conventionally, from back-to-back corporate Christmas parties to family reunions through the New Year, hiring activities tend to decelerate as individuals divert their attention to other priorities. Despite the cautious approach taken during the holiday season, where people conscientiously navigate vacations, host family gatherings, indulge in dining experiences, and engage in socializing with friends, January emerges as a prime juncture to refocus on career advancement.

With this, HR managers find themselves compelled to act swiftly. Often, there are long-standing vacancies that have lingered for months, prompting the immediate hiring manager to take decisive action. The job posting might have initially surfaced in November, with a handful of interviews conducted, only to become somewhat obscured amidst the holiday lull.

To jump into a competition, here are some of the basic needs you need to keep an eye on:

1. Define your career goal

Prior to delving into your job search, it’s essential to determine your precise career objectives. Approach your career goals strategically. Begin by envisioning where you aspire to be in the next 3-5 years or longer. Consider whether you aim for a managerial position or aspire to hold a more senior role within your chosen field.

Next, articulate the specific skills and experiences required to qualify for the envisioned position. Conclude by identifying positions that are conducive to acquiring the essential skills and experiences, paving the way for your progression to the desired career level.

2. Update your profile

We’re sure you do. But as a reminder, this is not the typical resume, CV, or cover letter. We want you to stand up among the rest; you must at least put a foot forward for effort. Update not just your resume but also your socials: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok—any professional profiles the management can find out about you.

3. Elevate your pitch and network

We all know that this is a selling game. So, if this is a chance to sell yourself for the ninth time, then prepare and practice more. First, prepare a spreadsheet of possible hirings, then proceed with applying. But before clicking the “Apply” button, do some research on the company and position. And believe us, this will be extremely beneficial to your job search!

4. Mindset

Your mindset is an often overlooked but critical aspect of the job search. Carrying emotional baggage, such as dissatisfaction with your current workplace or a sense of mistreatment, is a significant challenge for job seekers. Despite the current competitive job market, some hiring managers remain overly selective and critical, failing to fully adapt to the new talent-centric environment.

This mismatch between the actual job market and managers’ perceptions has resulted in a less favorable hiring trend for job seekers. Resumes may go unnoticed, and communication attempts via phone calls, emails, or texts may go unanswered. Candidates may be ghosted even after multiple interviews, with no feedback provided. Furthermore, resumes that lack specific words and phrases programmed into AI may also be rejected.

Now it is important to cultivate a positive attitude and mindset that exudes confidence. Release any negative feelings and animosities, avoiding carrying them like a burden. Approach your job search with a clean slate, aiming to project positivity, confidence, drive, enthusiasm, and motivation.

Although the job market may start off gradually, it gains momentum over time. Despite inevitable challenges, it’s essential to remember that you hold the reins of your own destiny. With dedication, effort, and energy invested, you are poised to overcome obstacles and secure a new job in 2024.