Thursday, October 10, 2024

Catalysts For Change


Catalysts For Change


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There is no doubt that the current state of our planet is at its worst right now. From climate change, pollution, contaminated water systems to people dumping garbage on the streets, we can’t deny that we as a society largely contributed to our planet’s declining environmental health. But we, as youth members of our society, have a lot of things to offer. As Dr. Jose Rizal once said, the youth is the hope of the nation. Not just for the future of our country, but also for the future of the whole wide world. And now is the time to start.

Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle – This could sound intimidating and impossible at first, but adding a sprinkle of fun to your zero waste lifestyle will definitely help you big time. For example, you can use your recycled stuffs as materials for arts and crafts. Old magazines and newspapers can turn a piece of paper into a beautiful scrapbook page. Plastic bottles and cans can be turned into pencil cases, flower vases or even lamps. Junk food wrappers and juice packs can be turned into bags, wallets and even accessories like hairbands, bracelets and rings. It is cheap, creative and eco-friendly. A dash of creativity goes a long way, and you can even earn profit from selling these goods made from recycled items. Especially during this pandemic, being able to help with your family’s financial needs while doing what you love, sounds incredible and fun at the same time.

Reusing and avoiding buying “one-time use only” items – Aside from you saving the environment, you also save money by reusing and purchasing items that can be used over and over again. According to Zero Waste Scotland, “A lot of energy goes into the production of new items, so by re-using unwanted items first, we can help reduce the need to produce new one.” Considering how pollution from factories making new products greatly affects our environment day by day, it is vital that we are aware of the consequences of us not having second thoughts when purchasing unnecessary stuffs. Practicality is important during these times, and we can achieve that by reusing items that are still functional and safe to use. For example, buying real silverware such as spoons, forks and plates is a lot cheaper and more waste-free than buying plastic ones.

Using your voice to influence other people – You can utilize your social media accounts as vessels for your advocacies. As the majority of the world’s population have access to the internet, it is not impossible to voice out and influence your friends or followers to be more environment-friendly. Of course, you don’t have to be yelling and preaching at random people on the internet about your zero waste lifestyle, but being able to share factual information, tips and ideas with others that are interested or curious about your cause, is essential when you want people to take your advocacies seriously. Participating in trends, hashtags, and groups that are related to saving the environment can also help you be more educated and even make friends with others who have the same mindset and way of living. While it is good to be influencing on the internet, what matters most is the impact to the lives of the people around you. Communicate with your parents, siblings, relatives and neighbors. Show them the benefits of living a zero waste life. There is power in numbers.

At the end of the day, we all know that the time will come that our planet will give up on us, the same way we gave up on it. It’s just a matter of when and how that will happen. But that doesn’t mean that we should just abandon all hope for the future of humanity. As youths, it is our responsibility to contribute to our nation, even in the form of living a zero waste lifestyle. We should always remember how the generations before us made our lives a lot easier, and we should also do the same for the next generation to come. Don’t let the future suffer the consequences of the mistakes done by the past and the present.